Friday, May 18, 2007

Random Friday Thoughts

This new look is much better. Mucch better. Anyways: here's a good post about why JavaSpaces isn't as big as it could be.

I went to a presentation on JGroups today. The presentation was an hour long but had about five minutes of actual code, which on the one hand implies that JGroups is easy to use, but on the other side implies that the presentation was boring because the presenter didn't talk about the actual JGroups code very much (which I think was his intention but I was still disappointed).

I've been spending some spare time (always wish there was more of that, sigh...) looking at distributed computing/algorithms and trying to figure out a fun project to work on that would be more than just a toy program. I'm looking to write something that requires using technologies I haven't been exposed to much but are pretty popular such as Spring, JGroups, and Flex/Apollo. A few ideas have been distributed build system, CRM app, or some sort of distributed simulation system. The problem is my attention span is so short for spare time projects that I move on to new things before I can actually accomplish anything significant. Oh well, we'll see what happens this time.

On a completely unrelated note, this is pretty hilarious.

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