Thursday, March 29, 2007

Does this whole Iran situation with the UK sailors not make anyone else furious? Apparently the UK sailors were not even in Iranian territory when they were arrested (though obviously Iran disputes that). Then Iran shows the detainees on national TV. Holy crap, how pompous and inappropriate is that? It's pretty obvious that Iran is looking for confrontation (though not war); they are attempting to show the world their power through this whole mess, that they are a force to reckon with. In the end, I'm sure it won't warm up existing relations with Europe and Iran, which is stupid for Iran, since they are so economically tied to Europe.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Practically in the front door already...

I found out that a guy I know (in real life),, knows this guy, (in real life), who works at Google.

Annnnnnd, I'm reading this book: Java Concurrency in Practice, one of whose authors works at Google.

I'm pretty much dizzy from all this newfound power. I'm practically at Google already...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

"average" weather

Has anyone ever noticed that the "average" temperatures that they always talk about on the weather forecast are completely pointless? For instance, "it is 20 degrees the average temperature for this time of year." Anyone who has been in the Midwest longer than 3 minutes knows that the "average" means nothing since there's so much fluctuation in temperature. If you have 50 years where the temperature for a given day is 100 degrees and 50 where it is 20 degrees, does the average of 60 degrees really mean anything?

More importantly, does this post mean anything? Fortunately, I don't care whether it does or not.

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Inaugural Post

This is my first ever post on a blog ever. I bet you are amazed. Because this post is meaningful and neat. When I get time I will post things that I care about. Don't you feel as if the time you have wasted to read this is completely worth it? Because I do.

Be seeing you,
No. 34

If you didn't catch the reference "The Prisoner", the greatest TV series of the modern era, you need to watch it. Nooooooow.