Saturday, March 24, 2007

"average" weather

Has anyone ever noticed that the "average" temperatures that they always talk about on the weather forecast are completely pointless? For instance, "it is 20 degrees the average temperature for this time of year." Anyone who has been in the Midwest longer than 3 minutes knows that the "average" means nothing since there's so much fluctuation in temperature. If you have 50 years where the temperature for a given day is 100 degrees and 50 where it is 20 degrees, does the average of 60 degrees really mean anything?

More importantly, does this post mean anything? Fortunately, I don't care whether it does or not.


none said...

great post. very interesting. i think they should be legally required to report the median temperature instead....just like how wal-mart should be legally required to stop blowing their "we have the highest average wages among capitalist fat-cat companies in the country" smoke up my ass. they should probably also report median wages.

Mike Fondo said...

I don't have any problem with "capitalist fat-cat companies" (in general). It's their company so they can do whatever they want (as long as it's legal of course). If they want to pay their VP's 3 million a year, and that's a really bad thing, then the company will suffer for that choice and their profits and share price will decrease, which would make investors mad and force them to pay VP's less. What should we do? Force them to pay employees more? Good gracious,that would be incredibly stupid for so many reasons.