Monday, September 17, 2007

If you want to see the greatest blog post ever (you do), then you should definitely head over here.

Yes, that's right, that "Letterbox" feature is my amazing desk. And the "arms race" is happening in my aisle. Let the awe sink in.


Caleb said...

haha did you go buy new monitors? Do they let you play games on them after hours? :-)

Unknown said...

I'm not impressed. You have room for at least two or three more monitors on there.

none said...

i agree with matt. you should also stack them up like sports bar guy. and set up some more monitors behind you. and then set up a webcam that looks behind you, like over your shoulder or something, and switch the monitors behind you so they display a mirror image, so that when you look at them in the webcam, they look right. i like to call that the h-bomb of monitor warfare, but since nobody else knows it that way, it's really a stupid thing to call it.

also, i think i might try to invent the f-bomb of monitor warfare sometime this afternoon, when i move my 17-inch crt into my bedroom.