Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ahhh, naivety

Apparently not everyone is so excited about Sun's open source effort. Sun's CEO responds here. I am no software freedom fighter, but I do like open source in general for two simple reasons:

1) Curiosity. If I want to see how the code works, I can look at it.
2) Open source leads to higher quality software (in certain cases that I don't care to elaborate on at the moment, but Linux serves as a good example).

Sun is "going open source" because they want to make money, plain and simple; they are a company and they exist to make a profit. All this "we want to hold hands and work together" crap is BS; I have nothing against Sun, because capitalism works through competition and profit. However, anyone who thinks that Sun wants to work with the Linux community or any other open source community and have everyone contribute to a common cause out of the goodness of their hearts is completely naive. If I owned stock in Sun I would be wanting them to crush Linux into the ground unless there was money to be made by not doing so (I don't own any Sun stock, or any other stock for that matter).

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