Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Palm in da house

So I spent the last couple days trying to set up a development environment for my new (and by "new" I mean "secondhand-approximately-3-years-old") Palm Zire 72. Given that my past experience with programming on anything except a PC is pretty much zilch (except for one brief escapade into J2ME with a Hello World program that ran on the slowest Nokia-something-or-other-handheld-emulator in existence), I have to say I have done pretty well. Yesterday I got a Hello World program compiled and running on the Palm OS simulator and today I finally got debugging to work. Congratulations to me!

You can get everything you need here; you have to register but all the downloads are free. They have a package you can download that includes the whole build toolchain, Eclipse IDE and plugins, and simulators/emulators, but since I hate Eclipse and I wanted to feel like a man, I set everything up manually with Cygwin. Yes, I do in fact derive my manhood from programming and debugging from a terminal; deal with it.

Hopefully I can actually get a useful program (or at least something more useful than a textbox displaying "Hello World" working in the next few days. We'll see what happens.

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