Saturday, May 5, 2007

I'm a conduit

Apparently I'm a conduit of deep discussion (actually I just wanted to use the word 'conduit') - see the comments on my last post. Here's another post from my hero John about immigration that you may find interesting.

Doc, I tried reading your comment, but it was too deep for me to grasp in one reading, though I'm pretty sure I completely disagree with whatever you are saying. I'll have to read it again to see if I can figure out what the heck you're saying.

In other news, I've been dropped into the world of SOA of late. I must say that I always thought it was just another buzzword of the year for the architecture astronauts. I have been made aware that maybe it may actually be useful. In one of our current projects at work we are using OSGi for a pretty slick new program and I must say that after working for a year on a traditional Swing/J2EE backend program, SOA has blown my mind. OSGi has provided such a clean way to modularize our software, it's just amazing. Heck, this code may actually be somewhat, dare I say it, reusable, heaven forbid.

I've also been messing around a bit with Jini and JavaSpaces in my spare time (which has been somewhat lacking of late) after stumbling across an article on GigaSpaces, which, if their white papers aren't all marketing fluff, sounds like it is a pretty darn powerful replacement for J2EE in large cluster environments. I read somewhere that OSGi is basically SOA within the VM while Jini is SOA among distributed VM's. Pretty cool stuff. So I'll let all you who are dying to hear my experiences with this stuff know what I think over the next few days/weeks.


Caleb said...

sounds pretty cool look forward to hearing about it.

none said...

yes. sounds "cool" in the nerdiest possible way. good jorb.

also, don't worry if you can't figure out what i was saying in that other thing....i'm pretty sure i don't really get it either.

Geva Perry said...

Mike - No, it's not marketing fluff, as you can see from some of our customer testimonials, such as here, here and here.

Let us know if you need help while you're playing around with our stuff.

Geva Perry