Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I just can't miss an opportunity to promote Ron Paul:

Java Serialization Debugging

Today I had a fight with Java as I was inadvertently trying to serialize something that was not serializable. The object being serialized had a crapload of fields, which in turn, all had craploads of other fields so I pretty much had no idea what was causing the incredibly uninformative "Exception in thread "main"" So after spending an hour trying to write a function to reflectively traverse the object tree in search of non-serializable fields, I found this helpful piece. The DebuggingObjectOutputStream is nice, but the comments have something even more simple and helpful: set the vm parameter, and voila, helpful stack traces to find what object is actually causing the serialization errors!

Monday, October 29, 2007

I apologize to all my die-hard readers out there yearning for my every word, as I was on vacation last week and was unable to post. To summarize: Washington DC is cool. You should go. In the meantime, I still have nothing meaningful to say, so a link to someone who does will do.

This is really only going to make any sense if you have done any programming, but if you have, it's hilarious.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is it just me or does programming inspire foul language? The words I use to describe my computer have generally come to be laden with profanities. Anyone else experience this phenomenon?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Java SecureRandom weirdness

Ok, now I really lied two posts ago since I'm going to go off topic again. I clearly have no ability to focus. I would have posted something within focus this weekend, but Half Life 2: Episode 2 came out and I really had no choice except to play it all weekend.
So anyways, for my own and perhaps others' benefit, I'm going to document my experience with debugging some Java weirdness because it was one of the more interesting problems I've had to deal with. So I'll dive in:

We have a server-side process that runs on a Linux server and processes a lot of oracle database data and converts it into an H2 database (details are unimportant). On one particular machine, this process would hang forever. There were no errors, no exceptions, nothing; it just hung. Last Friday I was tasked with figuring out why, and it being Friday I wasted a couple hours trying to debug what turned out to be a completely unrelated process (my brain was obviously fried). So fresh this morning I had another go at it. I had telnet access to the server, so I made use of jstack, a nifty little utility. Here's the important output:

-[], int, int) @bci=0 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise)-[], int, int) @bci=4, line=199 (Compiled frame)- () @bci=175, line=218 (Interpreted frame)-[], int, int) @bci=44, line=258 (Interpreted frame)-[], int, int) @bci=49, line=317 (Interpreted frame) -$URLSeedGenerator.getSeedByte() @bci=12, line=453 (Interpreted frame)-[]) @bci=11, line=123 (Interpreted frame)- (byte[]) @bci=4, line=118 (Interpreted frame)- @bci=5, line=114 (Interpreted frame)-[]) @bci=40, line=171 (Interpreted frame) -[]) @bci=5, line=433 (Interpreted frame)- @bci=17, line=455 (Interpreted frame)- java.util.Random.nextLong() @bci=3, line=284 (Interpreted frame)

The thread was stuck trying to read a file as a randomness source. After some digging, here's what I found. Basically class SecureRandom is reading a file that generates random bits so it can create a pseudo-random number. As the forum folks found, this file is specified in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ under securerandom.source, and the default is /dev/random. Unfortunately reading /dev/random will block until the OS has entropy data (from typing on the keyboard or other somewhat random happenings in the computer). Here's some more detail.

So if you don't need really random randomness you can use /dev/urandom which will not block. That sounds easy enough, but when I checked this in, it was already pointing at /dev/urandom. So what the heck was going on?

Apparently the H2 driver that we are using calls SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") to create the SecureRandom class. Inexplicably, this will end up using /dev/random no matter what the file says. This bug report claims this is as designed. I'm sure there is a reason for this strangeness, but there is no explanation.

Here's a test program that shows the difference (pardon the lack of formatting):


public class SeedTest {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("I will try to instantiate SecureRandom now");
SecureRandom rand = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
//SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom(); this makes all the difference
int dummy = rand.nextInt();
System.out.println (dummy);
} catch (Exception e) {

Running this on the particular problematic machine hung with getInstance, but worked fine with new SecureRandom(). Yowza. After all this I'm not sure whose problem this is. Obviously the machine with /dev/random not working is at fault, but why is SecureRandom using /dev/random when I specifically tell it to use /dev/urandom? No idea.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I lied

Ok, I lied in the last post. I'll continue on track next time. In the meantime, we've all seen plenty of these, but here's some more. They're funny.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm going back to 1995

This will be my first in series of posts on one subject. Yes, that's correct. I will attempt to maintain some focus and stay on one topic instead of posting about whatever happens to be going on in my brain at the moment.

I have entered into the world of 1995 with the Win32 api and visual c++ for no reason other than to waste my extremely valuable time. This has been the site of my realization-that-everyone-else-realized-about-fifteen-years-ago. It dawned on me that despite the quirks and the crap throughout Windows, programming in it takes a lot of the guesswork out of things. For instance, if I were to make an application for Linux, there are many differences among the different distributions (filesystem layout comes to mind first) that I would have to account for manually within my application. Another example: say I want to capture the video from a webcam in my application. With Windows there is one function I can call, check for error, and go from there. With Linux, I have to make sure that libraries to handle low-level access to the webcam are installed properly and I have to know where they are for many distributions. Most likely I want to just support one api so I have to make sure it is installed. If I am writing an application with a wide variety of customers, it is easy to see why Windows is the easy choice here (ignoring the fact that it is already installed on 99% of personal computers to begin with). I guess I've seen the value of the Microsoft "platform," despite its many faults (and steep monetary cost).